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Moving To France! #PeexoErasmus

peexo fashion blogger moving to france erasmus year
So a bit of an update today, I've moved to France!

I'm at my third year of university which for me always involved a year abroad because of the course I take: French and Business Administration and crazily that year has come. I feel like it came around really, really quickly I honestly don't know where the past two years at university have gone and that is a little scary!

There are so many things I want to cover so I think I'll try to do a couple of updates every few months and cover different aspects like university, language, housing, making friends, long-distance relationships and anything else you may be interested in - just let me know in the comments.

It's only been a week so I myself still don't know a huge amount but I'm excited to share this journey with you! I tried to cover a few things in my video (I spoke so much about the lack of internet I don't really want to speak about that any more haha but, update: it's basically, almost, resolved). I moved last weekend and although I don't feel fully settled in just yet I'm excited for the year ahead and this new adventure.

If you have any questions about taking a year abroad or moving abroad then just leave me a comment and I will do my best to answer in another video or blog post, or you can tweet me @peexo or leave me a comment over on Instagram @peexo.


  1. How exciting!! I know a few people who went abroad for Erasmus and absolutely loved it. I'm sure you will have an amazing time and I can't wait to hear all about it : ) xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. I've heard a lot of good things too so here's hoping! X

  2. France is amazing, and the year will absolutely fly by!
    xo kirsty

    1. I'm sure it will, and I can't wait to explore some more! X

  3. goodluck!!

  4. That's so cool and sounds so exciting. Good luck and have a great stay there.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

    1. Thanks so much Jackie! Looking forward to it :) X
