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5 Tips For Longer Lashes

Time for another 5 Tips post - it's been a while since my last one - today I thought I'd go for something really close to my heart... eyelashes.

If you're a long time reader then you'll know that my eyelashes just aren't that great and it's literally my goal to have amazing full length lashes, but sadly, I don't. Whenever it comes to eyelashes I'm always willing to try new things and never dismiss anything (unless it sounds completely absurd). In this post I'll be sharing my 5 top tips, some of them obvious, but others not so obvious and I guess this is a little bit like a product review. I'm sharing what has worked for me and what hasn't worked for me during my quest for longer lashes - yes, it's that serious!

1. Lengthening Mascara
I'm a huge sucker for anything that promises to give length to my lashes. I've tried loads of mascaras, and at the moment my favourites are pictured above: Benefit Roller LashMaybelline Lash Sensational and Rimmel Lash Potion. With that in mind, my number 1 mascara at the moment has to be Maybelline's, I'm pretty sure I've tried most of their mascaras and I've always loved them!

My favourite lengthening mascaras:

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2. Eyelash Curlers
I never really curled my lashes, I didn't think there was any need to - but boy what I wrong! I think a quick curl can really help keep them looking longer and fuller throughout the day. I started off using a cheap one from Primark's beauty range but I'm currently devoted to the Eyeko Eyelash Curlers which I really love; I've recently started using the YoSo Heated Eyelash Curlers which last longer than the average but it definitely takes a little longer to use them properly so I tend to use them on special occasions rather than for everyday.

More eyelash curlers:

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3. Eyelash Serum
I've only ever used one lash serum, the Mavala Double Lash Night Treatment which actually worked for me but it was very subtle and something that I think only I really noticed. I do think I was a bit lazy when it came to using it though, sometimes I'd miss a day or two which obviously will impact the overall effect. I really want to try some other eyelash serums but the majority are just so expensive and I can't quite justify spending that much!

Eyelash serums to try:

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4. False Lashes
I don't often go for false eyelashes because I am awful at applying them (surprise, surprise, something else beauty related that I'm not good at haha!). The Eylure lashes tend to be my favourite but I don't have any at the moment so I'm not entirely sure about which are my faves but I recently bought the Tanya Burr Everyday Flutter lashes as I was yet to try any from her beauty range and I thought these looked really nice and natural.

False lashes I like to use:

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5. Eyelash Extensions
These are a dream! I had my first pair of eyelash extensions put in a year ago and I loved them so, so, so much! I can't tell you how amazing it felt to not have to apply any mascara in the morning or worry about my tiny eyelashes. Mine lasted for just under 3 months and I loved them, I really wish they lasted longer so I could wear them forever! I actually haven't had any since but I think I will go back to extensions sometime in the summer - you can get waterproof extensions - my summer makeup will be so quick and simple to do! I blogged my previous experience with eyelash extensions which you can see here.

What are your top tips for longer eyelashes?


  1. I love Maybelline's mascaras too! I'm quite lucky in the fact that while my hair won't grow past my shoulders, my eyelashes are quite long. I am partial to the falsies for a night out though - Eyelure are my favourite! xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. They're easily my favourites, and I'm definitely jealous of your long lashes! X

  2. for the love of long lashes...

    kisses from dubai ♥

  3. I'm a huge fan of maybelline mascaras, they're such good quality considering their price :) I really need to get some eyelash curlers but they just kind of freak me out!
    Love Holly x

    1. Agreed! Eyelash curlers are super easy to use and definitely a must, I love using them! X

  4. This was lovely and really great tips. I do need to try and get my lashes together and make them longer and I might try the mascara.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

    1. So pleased you think so Jackie :) I think I'll always be after the perfect lashes, maybe one day! X

  5. still cannot believe that I haven't tried the Tanya lashes! x
    Hannah | Heyitshannaah

    1. They're fab! Not a huge fan of the packaging but I particularly love the corner lashes, perfect for everyday X
