Do you know what? Finding something interesting to write about every time I want to share a new blog post is a challenge. I've admitted time and time again that creative writing really isn't my strong point and sometimes I just want to share a set of photos I love or an outfit I enjoyed wearing without having to come up with a story to share alongside it. I kind of just want to write about random things - how my week has been, new things I've tried and things I've done. So, I think that's what I'm going to start doing more of. Let's say these will be like mini diary entries, I don't know how frequently these will appear but what I do know is that they're starting today!



This month has been a whirlwind! I feel like it went by incredibly quickly, anybody else feel the same way? One minute it was Halloween and we were saying goodbye to the month of October and the next, Autumn was in full swing. Not to mention just how quickly everything has turned Christmassy now as December approaches.
So a few things stand out to me this month:
1. Gift Guide Week - The most fun, and equally daunting, week this month!
2. Black Friday - Which seemed to go on forever this year.
3. Reaching 50k on Instagram - I still can't believe it!
So a few things stand out to me this month:
1. Gift Guide Week - The most fun, and equally daunting, week this month!
2. Black Friday - Which seemed to go on forever this year.
3. Reaching 50k on Instagram - I still can't believe it!
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This month a lot of my focus was on Gift Guides. I spent so much of the month planning these and then it was all over within a week!
This year I decided to work on more content than I ever have before: 6 different gifting videos + a festive haul for good measure! This was purely because there was so much I wanted to share and I just love filming Gift Guides, it always leaves me feeling so festive. I shared this during Cyber Week which in hindsight, I don't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing as there was just so much going on that week.
Before getting started I looked back on some of my Christmas content from last year and they're still some of my favourite blog posts of 2017. I'll be working on some more gifting features for my blog throughout the month of December and I literally cannot wait to get started on those! Meanwhile, you can see all of my 2018 Gift Guides on my YouTube channel now.
So, my Gift Guides went live during Cyber Week and as a result, my attention was elsewhere throughout the week BUT I did make a pretty big purchase on Black Friday! I read somewhere that you're only really saving on Black Friday if you buy something that you were planning on buying anyway.. and this was definitely the case for me. I tried really hard to refrain from making any impulse purchases (like buying more clothes and shoes that I absolutely do not need) and instead focused on things that were on my wishlist and a few Christmas presents too!
I think I ended up buying three Christmas presents for friends and treated myself to a couple of things including a moon zip card holder from Azurina. I've had my eye on these for ages and they had 20% off for Black Friday so I bought one for myself and another for a Christmas gift. I also caved and bought some new Levi's jeans, I bought the mile high jeans which I've had my eye on for a while but at £85 full price they were a bit out of budget (seeing as I have so many other pairs of jeans already...) When I saw Levi's had a 30% discount for Black Friday, I of course made the most of it and bought the jeans! When I shared my purchases on Instagram, quite a few people messaged me to say they're great jeans so I'm very excited to start wearing them.
Finally, I bought an iPhone X! I've been looking to upgrade my phone since August and after many times very nearly buying the iPhone 8 Plus, I decided to wait until Black Friday to see whether the price would fall in sales. The iPhone 8 Plus wasn't in the sale but the iPhone X was! I'm pretty sure it was between £899 - £999 originally and I bought it for £799 from John Lewis. This offer ended on Black Friday but it's been £769 on Amazon since the weekend! Obviously it's not cheap but with the iPhone 8 Plus being £699, for an extra £100, it made sense to buy a newer model (I upgraded from the iPhone 6s which is a good few models behind!)
Potentially the craziest thing that has happened this month... I reached 50k on Instagram yesterday!! I still can't believe it. My goal for this year was to end 2018 with 50,000 followers so I'm pretty chuffed to have achieved this one month before the end of the year. This year has been filled with ups and downs and at one point I didn't think I would manage to reach this goal but it has happened and I'm just so happy.
It's not about numbers - I must sound like a broken record constantly repeating this but it really isn't - it's just so nice to reach a goal that I've been working towards. I genuinely feel proud to have achieved this and so grateful for the support throughout the year. Instagram has always been a platform that I've loved and one that I put so much effort into. If you don't follow me on Instagram then I would love it if you did! You can search @peexo to find me. I upload new photos twice a day and I'm constantly on the app, whether that be just scrolling through my homepage and catching up on my favourite Instagrammer's posts or updating my stories. Not to mention the time spent planning and shooting outfits, followed by editing the pictures and meticulously planning what will come next on the grid. It makes me happy to know people are enjoying my posts!
[Photos taken by Faith]
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